How do reviews work?
Reviews help people trust with other users by creating an easy, honest and reliable way for users to know what to expect from each other.
Star Rating and Reviews: The average star rating is based from all the reviews that a user has received from past tasks. The rate is only show after the member has been assigned to 2 Tasks or more.
Completion rate: This is an indicator of reliability and shows the percentage of tasks that a Requester/Tasker has completed compared to all the tasks they were assigned. Only the cancellations that were caused by the user will affect their rate.
Cancellation Rate: This is all Requester-cancelled assigned task request represented as a percentage of total assigned task.
Withdraw Rate: This is all Tasker-cancelled assigned task request represented as a percentage of total assigned task.
We can only remove reviews if there are any dispute, or if the author has requested it themselves. Once a review has been removed for either reason, you will be unable to leave a new one.
Reviews and star ratings cannot be edited after they have been published. If you change your mind about what you have written, please send the request to iTask Support Team.