by admin@itask | Apr 22, 2020
How do I manage my notification preferences? You are subscribed to emails automatically when you sign up with iTask. We have created different types of mailing lists that you can opt in and out of, to tailor your personal iTask experience. If you want to change your...
by admin@itask | Apr 22, 2020
Why I can’t post my phone number or email? iTask does not allow users to share any private contact details in public discussion, in order to protect your safety and security. This means you won’t be able to post comments that contain your phone number or...
by admin@itask | Apr 22, 2020
Are there any account guidelines? We know you’re ready to set up an account and get started on iTask. Before you create one though, please make sure you are eligible and maintain all account guidelines while using the platform. Account eligibility All members...