

7. How to edit tasks and cancel posted Services?

How to edit tasks and cancel posted Services? To edit one of your existing posted Service, please follow these steps: Select the Offered Service you want to edit from My Listings > My Task > Services Posted > See Post. Click on the setting button ⋮ and select...

8. How can I view all of my posted/offered Services?

How can I view all of my posted/offered Services? We know that keeping track of your pending offers is important to help you manage your time. This is why we have created My Listings page for you to view the offers you have made. This will let you see a list where you...

9. I have accepted an offer; what’s next?

I have accepted an offer; what’s next?   Once the task has been successfully accepted, the status of the Service will change from AWAITING to INPROGRESS. You can then proceed to send them a private message within the messaging platform of the app to make...