What should I put in my profile?
It’s important to have a detailed profile on iTask, as it helps build trust and transparency in the community. If you’re a Tasker, a detailed profile equals a higher chance of Requester wanting to assign you. If you’re a Requester, it means more offers from the community.
There are 4 parts of your profile that you can add to and update:
- Profile and header photos: not only do pictures help jazz up your profile, they also show who you are, and allow members to feel more confident in working with you. Having pictures that relate to you and your skills goes a long way.
- Skills and testimonials: this includes your list of skills and any examples of your previous work. We offer a testimonials section for you to upload pictures that showcase your work.
- Badges: these are optional features that are proof of you passing certain checks.
- Bio: this free form text area gives you a chance to pull together all the other parts of your profile to show who you are. It’s also a great spot to talk about your personality and why that makes you a great person to work with!
Important note: Always be mindful of your obligations under the Community Guidelines. We don’t support the sharing of private details including full names, contact details or sensitive information, so make sure you steer clear of these. iTask reserves the right to moderate any profile where unsupported information hes been shared.