Are there any account guidelines?
We know you’re ready to set up an account and get started on iTask. Before you create one though, please make sure you are eligible and maintain all account guidelines while using the platform.
Account eligibility
All members need to make sure they qualify for the below:
- 18 years or older
- All users of the iTask platform must be 18 years or older. This is a legal requirement as people under the age of 18 are not able to enter a legal contract with iTask.
- Legal working rights
- All Taskers must be legally entitled to perform the task. This refers to both abiding by working laws for your situation in your area, and also for the specific industry in which the task is a part of.
- To maintain the highest standards in our iTask platform, we seek to avoid situations that may cause legal risks to any of our users.
- Account administration
Members should make sure that at all times they follow the below:- No account transfers
- Your account is your responsibility and you must maintain control of it. It must not be transferred to another person as your account and reviews reflect your skills and abilities.
- No duplicate accounts
- Members may only have a single, active account on the platform. As your account reflects your reputation in the marketplace and represents your skills and abilities, any duplicate accounts attempting to disguise an user’s history will be removed immediately.
- A single account allows you to post tasks as a Requester and make offers as a Tasker. If you’re looking to switch between being a Requester and Tasker, you do not need to create a second account.
- No account transfers