

1. Can I change my review?

Can I change my review? In order to maintain this integrity, reviews can’t be edited once they’ve been published.If you change your mind about your review, you can request that we will adjust accordingly...

2. How do I leave a review?

How do I leave a review? Reviews provide a great reference for the rest of the users, and are essential to building trust and transparency on iTask. It’s essential to leave an honest and fair review of your experiences. That way all users can get a true...

3. How do reviews work?

How do reviews work? Reviews help people trust with other users by creating an easy, honest and reliable way for users to know what to expect from each other. Star Rating and Reviews: The average star rating is based from all the reviews that a user has received from...

4. What are the iTask Review Guidelines?

What are the iTask Review Guidelines? Trust is important to the iTask community, and both honesty and transparency help to maintain it. Fair and authentic reviews that provide honest recounts of experiences and give constructive feedback help the community to make...